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Silk sericin is a globular protein whose resistance against fouling is important for applications in biomaterials and water-purification membranes. Here it is shown how sericin generates a water-exclusion zone that may facilitate antifouling behavior. Negatively charged microspheres were used to mimic the surface charge and hydrophobic domains in bacteria. Immersed in water, regenerated silk sericin formed a 100-µm-sized exclusion zone (for micron-size foulants), along with a proton gradient with a decrease of >2?pH-units. Thus, when in contact with sericin, water molecules near the surface restructure to form a physical exclusionary barrier that might prevent biofouling. The decreased pH turns the aqueous medium unviable for neutrophilic bacteria. Therefore, resistance to biofouling seems explainable, among other factors, on the basis of water-exclusionary phenomena. Furthermore, sericin may play a role in triggering the fibroin assembly process by lowering the pH to the required value.  相似文献   
生态修复是指在不同人为干预程度下,协助已遭受退化、损伤或破坏的生态系统恢复的过程。我国海岸带地区资源丰富、位置优越,但过度的开发建设活动严重破坏了当地的生态环境,急需对受损的海岸带生态系统进行保护和修复。以东营市海岸带地区为例,运用InVEST模型对其2005、2010、2015和2018年4个时间段的碳储存功能进行评估并分析碳储存及"碳源碳汇"的动态变化,以间接反映出区域生态系统的稳定性和健康程度。结果表明,2005-2018年东营市海岸带碳储存功能持续减弱,13年间碳储存总量减少了1.341×106 t,生态系统碳储存功能受到严重破坏,其中有8.68×104 hm2生态系统碳储存功能评价等级为差和极差,空间上受损最为严重的区域主要分布在岸线附近的北部、东北部和东南部。按照东营市海岸带碳损失空间差异和生态系统演替规律,从3个方面提出相应的修复方案,包括加强恢复区保护力度、稳定碳储存能力,整顿辅助区粗放模式、塑造碳储存廊道和退还重建区滨海湿地、扭转碳损失趋势,以期通过改善和恢复研究区海岸带生态系统碳储存功能,实现对受损生态系统的有效保护和修复。  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):550-554
Diaulota koreana Yoo and Ahn new species is described in the intertidal zones of the southern part of the Korean peninsula and illustrations of diagnostic characters are presented. A cladistic analysis of the Liparocephalini based on 50 adult characters suggests that the new species belongs to the genus Diaulota Casey within the Liparocephalini. Similarities and differences among the liparocephaline genera are presented. Phylogenetic relationships of Diaulota koreana Yoo and Ahn new species among the Liparocephalini are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Climate models forecast increasing climatic variation and more extreme events, which could increase the variability in animal demographic rates. More variable demographic rates generally lead to lower population growth and can be detrimental to wild populations, especially if the particular demographic rates affected are those to which population growth is most sensitive. We investigated the population dynamics of a metapopulation of 25 colonies of a semi-arid bird species, the sociable weaver Philetairus socius, and how it was influenced by seasonal weather during 1993–2014. We constructed an integrated population model which estimated population sizes similar to observed population counts, and allowed us to estimate annual fecundity and recruitment. Variance in fecundity contributed most to variance in population growth, which showed no trend over time. No weather variables explained overall demographic variation at the population level. However, a separate analysis of the largest colony showed a clear decline with a high extinction probability (0.05 to 0.33) within 5 years after the study period. In this colony, juvenile survival was lower when summers were hot, and adult survival was lower when winters were cold. Rainfall was also negatively correlated with adult survival. These weather effects could be due to increased physiological demands of thermoregulation and rainfall-induced breeding activity. Our results suggest that the dynamics of the population on the whole are buffered against current weather variation, as individual colonies apparently react in different ways. However, if more and increasingly extreme weather events synchronize colony dynamics, they are likely to have negative effects.  相似文献   
本研究对位于云南滇西北的明永冰川地区暖温带、中温带和寒温带三个不同垂直气候带中可培养低温细菌的多样性进行了研究。利用四种不同培养基对该地区可培养低温细菌进行了分离纯化,共得到细菌37 513株,根据菌落形态特征分为了391种,其中LB培养基分离到99种,Organic培养基分离到78种,PSG培养基分离到96种,PYGV培养基分离得到118种,可以看出寡营养培养基PYGV分离得到的细菌种类多于LB和Organnic等富营养培养基,表明PYGV针对冰川地区细菌的分离与鉴定更为合适;通过革兰氏染色和扫描电镜观察表明大部分菌株为革兰阴性杆菌;对已分离得到的优势菌进行了16S rRNA基因测序并构建系统发育树,分析得出:假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、耶尔森氏菌属(Yersinia)和黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)在明永冰川不同垂直气候带上均有分布,其中假单胞菌属最多占据35%;而寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)是寒温带上特有的菌属。本研究证明明永冰川地区垂直气候带中可培养低温细菌多样性非常丰富,也为下一步了解这一特殊地理生态环境下微生物的群落演替规律、研究冰川环境中微生物群落如何响应气候变化提供了参考。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖沙地蔓荆灌丛沙堆形态特征及空间分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前灌丛沙堆研究主要集中在干旱半干旱区的沙质草原和沙漠边缘,对亚热带湿润区灌丛沙堆的形成、演变过程并不清楚。以鄱阳湖沙地为研究区,通过样方调查和地统计学的方法,研究不同沙化程度下蔓荆灌丛沙堆的形态特征及分布格局。结果表明:鄱阳湖沙地蔓荆沙堆的形态以盾形为主,其冠幅变化幅度为1.2—18.2 m~2,固定和半固定沙地显著高于流动沙地;对灌丛沙堆的形态参数来说,其长轴与短轴在固定和半固定沙地上呈极显著的线性相关关系,流动沙地上呈二次函数关系;半固定和流动沙地上沙堆底面积与沙堆高度呈二次函数关系(r0.6);3种类型沙地上灌丛底面积与沙堆体积之间极显著线性相关,其中半固定沙地线性函数的斜率最大;除固定沙地的沙堆高度和半固定沙地的灌丛高度外,3种沙地上蔓荆灌丛与沙堆的其他形态参数间均极显著相关,说明随着沙地的固定,蔓荆灌丛有利于沙堆水平尺度的增长;3种沙地上蔓荆沙堆均呈随机分布。  相似文献   
对全球大洋氮循环的研究发现,大洋输入和输出的氮存在严重的不平衡,所固定的氮中有相当一部分被还原为N2或N2O从大洋中流失,而海洋最小含氧带(OMZ)被认为是发生氮流失的最主要区域,通过反硝化作用和厌氧氨氧化作用,固定氮在OMZ海区内损失量可达40~450 Tg·a-1.对不同海区OMZ内固定氮损失的两种主要作用总结发现,异养反硝化作用在热带太平洋东部、阿拉伯海的OMZ内以及海洋沉积物内占有显著优势,在智利、秘鲁沿岸海域及阿拉伯海域也已发现自养反硝化作用的存在;而在黑海、非洲西南部的本格拉上升流、智利北部沿岸等地,厌氧氨氧化作用强烈,且其在陆架区的作用强度和面积要大于大洋区.OMZ氮的流失除受氮流失过程自身影响外,固氮作用、硝化作用、硝酸盐异化还原作用等都可能对OMZ海区内氮收支不平衡造成影响.其中固氮作用的影响最不能忽视,其在全球OMZ内固定的氮的总量可达15~40 Tg·a-1,是对OMZ氮流失量的重要补充.区分反硝化作用和厌氧氨氧化作用对OMZ氮流失的相对贡献,明确氮流失的另一产物N2O的形成机制和定量评估方法是当前OMZ氮流失研究中存在的最主要问题.本文针对存在问题提出了相应的研究设想,以期为海洋最小含氧带的研究提供参考.  相似文献   
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